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Welcome to my GitHub Page.

Hello! I'm Panagiotis Kolokotronis , a Computer Science and Informatics student. I love to code, but I also love to get my hands dirty from time to time with some hardware. I speak C , C ++ and Java fluently (sorry for the pun). Lately, I've been experimenting with HTML/CSS, Javascript, Python and C#. On the dark side (you know, the hardwares) I'm interested in the Internet of Things, initially getting into the scheme with Arduino and later going by the flag of Windows IoT Developer. I'm also into 3D modelling and animation, as well as game development (pc and mobile). In this field I'm experienced with 3ds max, Blender and Unity respectively

I usually go by the name panagiks and some other times by the name Lonas. You can always find me at:

My other interests involve Game Development (currently developing a mobile game on Unity), Computer networks and Network Security and last but not least 3D Modelling and Animation.

So what are you doing again ? Oh right, about that. In March 2014, I co-founded JustAddCoffee a gaming-tech site in which unfortunately I haven't devoted as much time as I wanted. Next on, I participated in ACM's students Chapter project of creating a video game , initially as a Modeller / Animator and later on took the Social Media / Page Management of the project. Finally, as of December 2014, I am a Firefox Student Ambassador

Did I mention that I'm a long time gamer? I mostly like MMOs , mainly ArcheAge Rift and World of Warcraft, and I also play Sandboxes. Here's my Raptr badge :

Raptr Gamercard